georgie mcewan
Out of The Blue
Works on Canvas
Works on Paper
Creatures of Assemblage
Architectures of the Unexpected
Creatures: Works on Paper
Mexico City Collage [1]
Mexico City Collage [2]
Collage Dreamscapes
Archival Collages, New York
Archival Collages, Edinburgh
Archival Mural, Luxembourg
A Found Object Poetry
A Poetry of Fragments
◗ archival encounters
◗ a poetry of objects: the collection
dada methodology
◗ the book of poetic acts
◗ a gaze through the window
◗ the dungeness school of fragments
A Re-use Performance
Kintsugi City
Understanding Chaos Through Wonder
Lindisfarne Artistic Refuge
georgie mcewan
A Poetry of Fragments ⌇ archival encounters ⌇ a poetry of objects: the collection ⌇ dada methodology ⌇ the book of poetic acts ⌇ a gaze through the window ⌇ the dungeness school of fragments
A Re-use Performance ⌇ Kintsugi City ⌇
Nature/Body/Landscape ⌇Understanding Chaos Through Wonder ⌇
PolyLester_Trek PolyLester_Nucleus⌇ Lindisfarne Artistic Refuge ⌇ Paintings⌇Poetry ⌇ Photography ⌇ Exhibitions
Film Photography